Category Archives: Fee and commission calculations

Fee and commission calculations for dealer networks and services.

Simulation of Dealer Commissions with Matlab

As demonstrated in an earlier article dealer or sales commissions can easily be calculated with the .NET Calculation Engine finaquant® calcs. This article demonstrates how changes in commission amounts can be simulated by varying selected table-valued inputs. In example presented … Continue reading

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Commission Calculation with Table-Valued Functions

Dealer, sales or any other kind of commissions can be calculated quite easily with the table functions of the .net library finaquant® calcs, as the following example will demonstrate. In this article we explain: Basic transaction-based (sales data) commission scenario … Continue reading

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Fee Calculator and Analyzer for Share Classes of Mutual Funds – 2 (Analysis)

As introduced in the related article, share classes of a mutual fund can have different fee structures appealing to different kind of investors. The question is, which share class is the best option with the highest net return considering factors … Continue reading

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Fee Calculator and Analyzer for Share Classes of Mutual Funds – 1 (Calculation)

As mentioned in the introductory article for fee types, a single fund can have multiple share classes with different fee structures related with the distribution of shares. This article shows the fee calculation model in action with a video. Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Tunc Ali Kütükcüoglu

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