Tag Archives: table functions

Top-Down Distribution of Quality Measurement Requirements using Table Functions in Python

Introduction Since August of 2015 I have been working for ETC Transport Consultants1 in Switzerland as Senior Data Analyst and Developer on a part-time basis. My job is developing a complete software solution for Travel Planning & Resource Optimization in … Continue reading

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A Simple Notation for Data Tables

We use the simple notation introduced here for data tables in order to formulate: Information and reporting requirements Analytical operations on data tables This table notation can generally be used for requirement engineering. I will use the same notation in … Continue reading

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Calculating Sales Commissions in Excel

In a previous article I explained how sales commissions with tiered rates and product groups can be calculated using the table-valued functions of our .net library Finaquant Calcs. In this article, I will explain how sales commissions can be calculated … Continue reading

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How to Add a User-Defined Table Function to Excel

Finaquant’s Excel add-in (Finaquant in Excel) comes with a list of table-valued functions like Table Arithmetics, Combine Tables, Filter Table, Aggregate Table, Distribute Table, and so on. You can however extend this list with your own user-defined table functions. Following … Continue reading

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