finaquant® calcs – Calculation Engine with Table Functions

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Check my shared folder MyAnalyticalSoftware_AllDownloads for most uptodate downloads. Open-Source downloads of the C#/.NET libraries Finaquant Calcs and Finaquant Protos are also included in this shared download folder as zipped Visual Studio 2012 files. You may contact me if you need consulting for my analytical software (C#/.NET, Matlab, Python, R).

Download finaquant® calcs – Commercial .NET Library with primary features:
1) Table-valued Functions
2) Calculation Nodes & Networks
The initial 30-day evaluation license can be extended by purchasing a license for permanent use.

1 hour with Table Functions may replace 100 hours of SQL-Programming

Responsibility of use:
Finaquant Analytics provides no warranties for finaquant® calcs, and accepts no liability for direct or consequential damages caused by the use of this software product.[/expand]* Before buying a license please make sure that you read, understand and agree with the license conditions above.
* See installation for requesting and validating a permanent license key.
* Owner of a permanent license can install and use all future releases of the library.
* Don’t hesitate to contact us for any inquiries, special licenses (product, service etc.), training and project support.

All table operations and calculations with in-memory data, just like matrices!
Table calculations with in-memory data (RAM)
Table Functions of finaquant® calcs can be compared to well-designed stored procedures of database engines like Oracle and MySQL, with the difference that table functions operate on in-memory tables.

related downloads related article download by price
User Guide for Finaquant Calcs (1928 downloads) everyone free
Class Library Document for Finaquant Calcs (1499 downloads) everyone free
MS Visual Studio project FinaquantCalcsStarter (1942 downloads) Installation everyone free
Finaquant Calcs in a Nutshell (1778 downloads) everyone free
New Excel Add-in for Table Functions Empowering Excel.. everyone free
New User Guide for Table Functions in Excel (pdf)   everyone free
New Finaquant Calcs 1.06 installation file (.NET2) (856 downloads)   members-only free

Half of Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence is all about (1) Table Valued Functions, and (2) Data Visualization.

Hence, combined with a reporting library like Crystal Reports table function library finaquant® calcs offers a versatile but affordable solution for Business Intelligence.

NEW: Table Functions in Excel
Install an excel add-in and start testing table functions within a minute. More info
Table Valued Functions in Excel

A .NET Calculation Engine based on Table Valued Functions

  • Analytical table-valued functions with in-memory tables as input and output parameters (like standard formulas in excel)
  • Standard methods can be extended with user-defined table functions (like user-defined formulas in excel).
  • Table Functions can replace database programming for analytical operations on data tables.
  • Table Functions can be compared to Matrix Functions of math software like Matlab or R, with the difference that their input & output parameters are data tables instead of matrices.
  • Library includes methods to store multiple arrays of data tables in a relational database like MS SQL or MySQL. Tables can also be stored in XML files.
  • Calculation Nodes & Networks can be used to implement modular, scalable and easily extendable Calculation Engines for complex rule-based computations.
  • Table Functions can be integrated with other libraries (incl. math software like matlab and R) for matrix & vector operations (see related articles and forum posts).

Microsoft Visual Studio project with Table Function Examples
Download Visual Studio project FinaquantCalcsStarter which is the best training tool for Getting Started with Table Functions. There is a Demo Function for every group of Table Functions, including an example for Sales Commissions with a Calculation Network.

NEW Easy installation with standard NuGeT Package
finaquant® calcs can easily be installed directly from a Visual Studio project as a standard NuGeT package. Steps for installation are:

  1. Open and Save a new Visual Studio project.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Library Package Manager, then click Package Manager Console.
  3. Enter following command in Package Manager Console:
    Installing Finaquant Calcs with a Nuget Package

That’s it; the latest release of finaquant® calcs will be downloaded and referenced to your Visual Studio project automatically.

NEW Quick Start with Table Functions of finaquant® calcs

  1. Open and Save a new Visual Studio project (console application in C#) named QuickStartCalcs
  2. Install finaquant® calcs with its NuGet Package using the Package Manager Console (required steps are explained above)
  3. Coply and Paste following example C# code into the program file Program.cs, and Run
Example Code for Quick Start
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using FinaquantCalcs;
namespace QuickStartCalcs
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region "Create data tables"
            // First, create some data tables of type MatrixTable
            // define meta data (all table fields)
            MetaData md = MetaData.CreateEmptyMetaData();
            MetaData.AddNewField(md, "category", FieldType.TextAttribute);
            MetaData.AddNewField(md, "product", FieldType.TextAttribute);
            MetaData.AddNewField(md, "brand", FieldType.TextAttribute);
            MetaData.AddNewField(md, "costs", FieldType.KeyFigure);
            MetaData.AddNewField(md, "price", FieldType.KeyFigure);
            MetaData.AddNewField(md, "margin", FieldType.KeyFigure);
            // define fields of CostTable
            var CostTableFields = TableFields.CreateEmptyTableFields(md);
            TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "category");
            TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "brand");
            TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "product");
            TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "costs");
            // create CostTable with elements
            MatrixTable CostTable = MatrixTable.CreateTableWithElements_A(CostTableFields,
                "Notebook", "Ignor", "Ignor UX Notebook", 850.0,
                "Notebook", "Ignor", "Ignor AX Notebook", 950.0,
                "Notebook", "Euphor", "Euphor 5 Notebook", 1200.0,
                "Notebook", "Euphor", "Euphor 10 Notebook", 1450.0,
                "Desktop", "Ignor", "Ignor 4D Desktop", 650.0,
                "Desktop", "Ignor", "Ignor 6D Desktop", 800.0,
                "Desktop", "Euphor", "Euphor 2E Desktop", 1050.0,
                "Desktop", "Euphor", "Euphor 5E Desktop", 1300.0
            // define fields of MarginTable
            var MarginTableFields = TableFields.CreateEmptyTableFields(md);
            TableFields.AddNewField(MarginTableFields, "category");
            TableFields.AddNewField(MarginTableFields, "margin");
            // create MarginTable with elements
            MatrixTable MarginTable = MatrixTable.CreateTableWithElements_A(MarginTableFields,
                "Notebook", 0.40,
                "Desktop", 0.30
            // View tables
            MatrixTable.View_MatrixTable(CostTable, "CostTable");
            MatrixTable.View_MatrixTable(MarginTable, "MarginTable1");
            #endregion "Create data tables"
            // EXAMPLE 1: Table-Scalar Multiplication
            // Multiply all key figures (numbers) of CostTable by a scalar number
            MatrixTable CostTable_fractions = CostTable * 1.3333;
            // view table with fractional numbers
            MatrixTable.View_MatrixTable(CostTable_fractions, "CostTable after multiplication by 1.3333");
            // EXAMPLE 2: Rounding all key figures of a table
            // round numbers to 2 digits after decimal point
            MatrixTable CostTable_rounded = MatrixTable.Round(CostTable_fractions, 2);
            // view table with rounded numbers
            MatrixTable.View_MatrixTable(CostTable_rounded, "CostTable after rounding");
            // EXAMPLE 3: Obtain PriceTable by Table Multiplication
            // MarginTable specifies margins per category
            MatrixTable PriceTable = MatrixTable.MultiplySelectedKeyFigures(CostTable, (MarginTable + 1),
                InputKeyFigTbl1: "costs", InputKeyFigTbl2: "margin", OutputKeyFig: "price");
            // view PriceTable
            MatrixTable.View_MatrixTable(PriceTable, "PriceTable: Prices calculated with margins per category");
            // show license information

NEW Run demo queries in LINQPad
You can install the popular development tool LINQPad and begin to test demo scripts with finaquant’s table-valued functions (in C# or VB.NET) within minutes. See required steps..
Table Functions with LINQPad

NEW Building a Web Service with table-valued parameters
You can easily build a web service based on the Web API framework to utilize the power of table-valued functions. Downloads and explanations here..
web service that receive and return data tables

Primary classes of the .NET library finaquant® calcs

Class Description
MatrixTable Central class with table-valued functions (Table Functions). Similar to DataTable object of ADO.NET, a MatrixTable object represents a data table, but with a simpler data structure adapted to analytical table operations. A MatrixTable can be converted to a DataTable, and vice versa
MetaData Global field and hiearchy definitions for all data tables of type MatrixTable
TableFields Class for defining the field structure of a table of type MatrixTable
TableRow A TableRow object represents a row (entry) of MatrixTable
DataStore Reading or writing writing whole tables from/to a relational database (MS SQL or MySQL) together with the table instance information
PersistentTableArray Enables operations with persistent array of tables of type MatrixTable.
Node Calculation Node: Each calculation node hosts a single table function with table-valued input and output parameters of type MatrixTable.
Network Calculation Network representing a network (tree structure) of inter-connected Calculation Nodes. An output table of a node can be input for another node within the network.
ConditionCell Condition Cell for defining and applying filtering criteria (range or value-list) for tables
ConditionList Condition List; array of Condition Cells for defining and applying chained filter criteria for tables
DateFunctions Class for static data functions
Utility Class for various static utility functions
KeyMatrix Class for Matrix operations with key figures (numbers) of type double
NumMatrix Class for Matrix operations with numeric attributes of type integer
TextMatrix Class for Matrix operations with text attributes of type string
KeyVector Class for Vector operations with key figures (numbers) of type double
NumVector Class for Vector operations with numeric attributes of type integer
TextVector Class for Vector operations with text attributes of type string
HelpCalcs General product, copyrights and release information

Note: You may download Class Library Document for Finaquant Calcs (1499 downloads) for a complete list of classes, methods and properties.

Table Functions in finaquant® calcs

Video Introductions

Video: 5-Minute Introduction to Finaquant Calcs
5-Minute Introduction to Finaquant Calcs
Table Function Demo with Excel
Table Function Demo with Excel

finaquant® calcs CAN be used for following purposes:

  • To implement analytical relationships (function trees) quickly and efficiently without tedious database programming (SQL, stored procedures etc.).
  • Once the analytical relationship (function tree) is implemented, all sorts of quantitative analysis can be carried out by programmatically varying the input values to generate some graphical reports for decision support, like forecasts and estimations, scenario analysis, simulations and optimizations.

Simulations with Calculation Engine
You can connect math software like Matlab, R or ILNumerics with the Calculation Engine implemented with finaquant® calcs for simulations, reporting and data visualization.

Relevant Applications

  • Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
  • Statistical Estimations/Predictions/Simulations/Optimizations in Business & Science
  • Business Intelligence & Analytics (incl. Financial Planning, OLAP)
  • Rule-based Commission/Fee/Performance/Bonus calculations
  • Analytical Data Processing for Reporting
  • Web or Data Services with tables as input/output data

… wherever analytical operations on historical data tables are involved.

finaquant® calcs CANNOT be used for following purposes:

  • Daily business transactions like data registration or updates, and queries; this is a software for analytical computations only.
  • Data Visualization: Presenting sections and views of existing data with well formatted tables and graphs.
  • Data Mining: Automated detection of analytical relationships, classifications, correlation analysis..

Why you might need finaquant® calcs

  • You need to implement some analytical computations that are too complex for excel sheets.
  • You find no other choice to implement these computations other than time-consuming database programming.
  • Existing implementations (with any business application, or database programming) may not be not atomic, independent or flexible enough for scenario analysis and simulation.
  • To automate whole calculation processes including tasks like reading/writing data tables from/to databases, data validation, custom events functions triggered at configured stages.

Application Scope
finaquant® calcs can be used for both operational and analytical purposes.
Application Scope of finaquant® calcs
Examples for operations:
Calculation of Dealer or Sales Commissions, Performance Fees etc. to ultimately produce some invoices.

Examples for decision support:
Simulations for prediction models or optimizations, like estimated sales or expected commission amounts.

Tables In, Tables Out
Solving analytical problems needs a holistic approach ignoring artificial business classifications like marketing analytics, risk analytics, commission or performance analytics, and so on.
Tables in, Tables out
In all these analytical applications you have some input tables, and you apply some analytical operations on these input tables to generate some meaningful output tables.

Why Table Functions?

  • To save much time and money for analytical database and table operations; you don’t need to invest in expensive software and consultants for Business Intelligence which is essentially Table Analytics.
  • A single general-purpose table function of finaquant® calcs can save you many weeks of sql-based database programming.
  • To convert database programming into table mathematics; focus on analytical essentials. If you can use excel and write macros you can learn table functions within weeks.
  • Audio: Why Table Functions?

Calculation Nodes & Networks
A Calculation Network with two Nodes
Briefly, this is what a Calculation Node does:

  1. Reads all input tables from databases or from the output of a another node.
  2. Validates all input tables.
  3. Executes the assigned table function to generate output tables.
  4. Validates all output tables.
  5. Writes output tables to the configured data stores.

More Information

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  1. A subtable transformer applies the same table (or matrix) function on every subtable of an input table. []
  2. A function router applies selected table (or matrix) functions on selected subtables of an input table. []