Tag Archives: calculation framework

What is a calculation engine? (video)

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Finaquant product roadmap, August 2012 (video)

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Tunc Ali Kütükcüoglu

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Finaquant news August 2012: Product roadmap

Finaquant Analytics plans to launch its first software product finaquant® calcs implemented with C#/.NET technology until the end of 2012. finaquant® calcs is essentially a real, fully configurable calculation engine comprising matrix, vector and table functions. Its real difference and … Continue reading

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Logical Architecture of a Rule-Based Calculation Framework

What is a rule based calculation framework, and why is it necessary? As discussed in my previous related article, a calculation framework is a fully configurable software solution to implement calculations that are typically required for financial planning, fee and … Continue reading

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