Introduction to the first release of finaquant® protos

finaquant® protos is a calculation engine library (C#/.NET) based on table functions. It is available without any charge (zero-priced), and can be downloaded at to use for non-commercial purposes like education and training.

finaquant® protos is essentially a math software comprising table functions. A library of matrix and vector functions come as a by-product upon which the higher-level table functions are based. Continue reading

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Finaquant news September 2012: finaquant® protos

Finaquant Anaytics plans to make its first product finaquant® protos -the growing prototype of a calculation engine based on table functions- available for free within several weeks. You will be able to download finaquant® protos and use it for educational and testing purposes for free (zero-priced). Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Tunc Ali Kütükcüoglu
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Finaquant product roadmap, August 2012 (video)

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Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Tunc Ali Kütükcüoglu
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Finaquant news August 2012: Product roadmap

finaquant calcs: A real calculation engine with table functionsFinaquant Analytics plans to launch its first software product finaquant® calcs implemented with C#/.NET technology until the end of 2012. finaquant® calcs is essentially a real, fully configurable calculation engine comprising matrix, vector and table functions. Its real difference and added value in the technical sense is the extensive library of table functions like distributions and condition functions based on sound mathematical models. Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Tunc Ali Kütükcüoglu
Posted in Calculation engine, Finaquant news | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment