Calling user-defined functions in R from within c#

In order to integrate R with high-level table constructs like function router1 or subtable transformer2 it might be desirable to call user-defined functions in R from within c#.

This can be done quite easily with the help of the open-source codeplex library R.NET; following steps show how.

You may also want to see the related forum topic:
How can a function router call matrix functions written in R? Continue reading

  1. A function router applies selected table (or matrix) functions on selected subtables of an input table. []
  2. A subtable transformer applies the same table (or matrix) function on every subtable of an input table. []
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Excel Add-in for Table-Valued Functions (Finaquant in Excel)

Excel Add-in for Table-Valued Functions (Finaquant in Excel)

This Excel add-in named Finaquant in Excel that you can install within a minute makes Matrix, Vector and most importantly, Table-Valued Functions of .NET Library Finaquant Cals available for Excel users and programmers.

Table Valued Functions in .NET

Uncommercial: finaquant® protos Commercial: finaquant® calcs
Uncommercial .Net Library with Table Functions
– Non-commercial & free .net library
– Analytical Table Functions with in-memory tables as input and output parameters (like standard formulas in excel)
– Table computations without any sql-based database programming
– A framework for user-defined Table Functions (like user-defined formulas in excel)
– Ability to calculate and store all the table valued parameters of multiple calculation instances in a relational database like MS SQL or MySQL – more info & downloads
Calculation Engine based on Table Functions (.NET)
– All the features and Table Functions of the non-commercial finaquant® protos, plus Calculation Nodes and Networks for enhanced automation, performance and modularity (Calculation Engine)
– Integration of table and matrix computations for applications like scenario analysis, estimations and predictions
– Can be used for applications like Business Analytics & Intelligence, Commission & Performance calculations, Simulations & Optimizations – more info & downloads

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New release: finaquant® protos 1.02

What is new in finaquant® protos release 1.02?

Subtable transformers and function routers are especially powerful constructs that enable the integration of table and matrix computations. These constructs can call matrix functions implemented with other numerical libraries like R, NLnumerics or matlab.

What can you do with finaquant® protos 1.02?

Assume you are a student, or an academic staff, who is involved in some analytical projects that require historical data residing in some data tables as the primary input for all sort of computations like:

  • Statistical estimations and forecasts
  • Table mathematics
  • Data preparation for reporting
  • Scenario analysis
  • Cause-effect networks and function trees with tables as input & output parameters

Following scenarios may give you an idea about the possible use of finaquant® protos provided that you have access to a computer with the .net framework of Microsoft installed on it. Continue reading

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DataTable extensions

With the new release (1.02) of finaquant® protos we decided to offer most of the interface elements like the DataTable class of .net framework that connect MatrixTable class of finaquant to the outside world as free and open-source (C# code).

Beginning from today (5. Feb 2013) you may download our DataTable extensions together with the MS Visual Studio project FinaquantProtosStarter which also contains demo functions for finaquant® protos.

DataTable extensions in FinaquantProtosStarter Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Tunc Ali Kütükcüoglu
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