CombinateFieldValues_B() is one of the several table functions in finaquant® protos (free .net library) which can be used for generating test tables including any number of independent attributes.
public static MatrixTable CombinateFieldValues_B(TableFields TFields,
Dictionary TextAttribValues, Dictionary NumAttribValues,
KeyValueRange DefaultRangeForAllKeyFigures, Dictionary RangeForSelectedFigures = null,
string DefaultTextVal = "EMPTY", int DefaultNumVal = 0, int RandomSeed = 100) |
public static MatrixTable CombinateFieldValues_B(TableFields TFields,
Dictionary TextAttribValues, Dictionary NumAttribValues,
KeyValueRange DefaultRangeForAllKeyFigures, Dictionary RangeForSelectedFigures = null,
string DefaultTextVal = "EMPTY", int DefaultNumVal = 0, int RandomSeed = 100)
Following example shows how a test table (CostTable) with five independent attributes (category, product, brand, modelyear, date) and three random-valued key figures (costs, margin, sales) can be created in six steps.
Step 1: Define all fields centrally in MetaData
// define metadata
MetaData md = MetaData.CreateEmptyMasterData();
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "category", FieldType.TextAttribute);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "brand", FieldType.TextAttribute);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "product", FieldType.TextAttribute);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "modelyear", FieldType.IntegerAttribute);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "date", FieldType.DateAttribute);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "costs", FieldType.KeyFigure);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "price", FieldType.KeyFigure);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "margin", FieldType.KeyFigure);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "sales", FieldType.KeyFigure); |
// define metadata
MetaData md = MetaData.CreateEmptyMasterData();
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "category", FieldType.TextAttribute);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "brand", FieldType.TextAttribute);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "product", FieldType.TextAttribute);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "modelyear", FieldType.IntegerAttribute);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "date", FieldType.DateAttribute);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "costs", FieldType.KeyFigure);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "price", FieldType.KeyFigure);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "margin", FieldType.KeyFigure);
MetaData.AddNewField(md, "sales", FieldType.KeyFigure);
Step 2: Define fields of the test table
// define table structure
var CostTableFields = TableFields.CreateEmptyTableFields(md);
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "category");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "product");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "brand");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "modelyear");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "date");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "costs");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "margin");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "sales"); |
// define table structure
var CostTableFields = TableFields.CreateEmptyTableFields(md);
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "category");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "product");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "brand");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "modelyear");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "date");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "costs");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "margin");
TableFields.AddNewField(CostTableFields, "sales");
Step 3: Create vectors with attribute values that are to be combinated
// attribute values
// text attributes
TextVector CountryVal = TextVector.CreateVectorWithElements("Peru", "Paraguay", "Argentina", "Brasil");
TextVector CategoryVal = TextVector.CreateVectorWithElements("Economy", "Luxury", "Sports", "Family");
TextVector BrandVal = TextVector.CreateVectorWithElements("Toyota", "Honda", "BMW", "Audi");
TextVector ProductVal = TextVector.CreateVectorWithElements("Car", "Bus", "Motor");
// numeric attributes
NumVector ModelVal = NumVector.CreateVectorWithElements(2008, 2009, 2010);
NumVector DateVal = NumVector.CreateSequenceVector(
StartValue: DateFunctions.DayToNumber(1, 1, 2010),
Interval: 10, nLength: 5); |
// attribute values
// text attributes
TextVector CountryVal = TextVector.CreateVectorWithElements("Peru", "Paraguay", "Argentina", "Brasil");
TextVector CategoryVal = TextVector.CreateVectorWithElements("Economy", "Luxury", "Sports", "Family");
TextVector BrandVal = TextVector.CreateVectorWithElements("Toyota", "Honda", "BMW", "Audi");
TextVector ProductVal = TextVector.CreateVectorWithElements("Car", "Bus", "Motor");
// numeric attributes
NumVector ModelVal = NumVector.CreateVectorWithElements(2008, 2009, 2010);
NumVector DateVal = NumVector.CreateSequenceVector(
StartValue: DateFunctions.DayToNumber(1, 1, 2010),
Interval: 10, nLength: 5);
Step 4: Assign a value vector to each field of the test table
// initiate field value dictionaries
var TextAttribValues = new Dictionary();
var NumAttribValues = new Dictionary();
// assign a value vector to each field
TextAttribValues["country"] = CountryVal;
TextAttribValues["category"] = CategoryVal;
TextAttribValues["product"] = ProductVal;
TextAttribValues["brand"] = BrandVal;
NumAttribValues["modelyear"] = ModelVal;
NumAttribValues["date"] = DateVal; |
// initiate field value dictionaries
var TextAttribValues = new Dictionary();
var NumAttribValues = new Dictionary();
// assign a value vector to each field
TextAttribValues["country"] = CountryVal;
TextAttribValues["category"] = CategoryVal;
TextAttribValues["product"] = ProductVal;
TextAttribValues["brand"] = BrandVal;
NumAttribValues["modelyear"] = ModelVal;
NumAttribValues["date"] = DateVal;
Step 5: Define default and specific ranges for key figures
// default range for all key figures
KeyValueRange DefaultRangeForAllKeyFigures = KeyValueRange.CreateRange(5000, 10000);
// range for selected key figures
var RangeForSelectedKeywords = new Dictionary();
RangeForSelectedKeywords["margin"] = KeyValueRange.CreateRange(0.10, 0.60); |
// default range for all key figures
KeyValueRange DefaultRangeForAllKeyFigures = KeyValueRange.CreateRange(5000, 10000);
// range for selected key figures
var RangeForSelectedKeywords = new Dictionary();
RangeForSelectedKeywords["margin"] = KeyValueRange.CreateRange(0.10, 0.60);
Step 6: Create test table
// create test table
CostTable = MatrixTable.CombinateFieldValues_B(CostTableFields,
TextAttribValues, NumAttribValues, DefaultRangeForAllKeyFigures, RangeForSelectedKeywords); |
// create test table
CostTable = MatrixTable.CombinateFieldValues_B(CostTableFields,
TextAttribValues, NumAttribValues, DefaultRangeForAllKeyFigures, RangeForSelectedKeywords);
Round all key figures in test table
Unrounded key figures look a bit ugly; let’s round them.
// round all key figures to 2 digits after decimal point
CostTable = MatrixTable.TransformKeyFigures(CostTable, x => Math.Round(x, 2),
InputKeyFig: null, OutputKeyFig: null); |
// round all key figures to 2 digits after decimal point
CostTable = MatrixTable.TransformKeyFigures(CostTable, x => Math.Round(x, 2),
InputKeyFig: null, OutputKeyFig: null);
View test table
// view table
MatrixTable.View_MatrixTable(CostTable, "Cost table"); |
// view table
MatrixTable.View_MatrixTable(CostTable, "Cost table");

The test table can be exported to an excel sheet by pressing the button “Export to Excel”. You can download this excel file for a closer check:
CostTable_FinaquantProtos.xls (1293 downloads)
Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Tunc Ali Kütükcüoglu
2 is one of the several table functions in finaquant® protos (free .net library) which can be used for generating test tables including any number of independent attributes. public static MatrixTable" data-image="" data-button="">