Category Archives: Calculation engine

Calculation engines and frameworks

How to Apply a User-Defined Function on Rows of a Table in Excel

Though simple in use, Transform Rows with UDF (User-Defined Function) is one of the most powerful and versatile table functions. With this function you can manipulate every field of a table row as function of all other fields. A user-defined … Continue reading

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Empowering Excel with Table Valued Functions

We are currently working on an Excel add-in named Finaquant in Excel that will make all the Matrix, Vector and most importantly, Table Valued Functions of finaquant libraries available for Excel users and programmers (macro, VBA). Table Valued Functions will … Continue reading

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Testing Table Valued Functions with LINQPad

LINQPad is a lightweight software development tool for .net developers that can be installed easily within a minute. LINQPad users may find it practical to test table-valued functions of finaquant’s .net libraries Finaquant Protos or Calcs directly in LINQPad, especially … Continue reading

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Building a Web Service that Receives and Returns Data Tables

As you will see below, it is quite easy to build a web service with the Web API Framework (ASP.NET), which: receives data tables from a web client as input parameters, makes some analytical operations on these input tables using … Continue reading

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