How to Apply a User-Defined Function on Rows of a Table in Excel

Though simple in use, Transform Rows with UDF (User-Defined Function) is one of the most powerful and versatile table functions. With this function you can manipulate every field of a table row as function of all other fields.

A user-defined function (valid C# code) is applied on every row of a table (Row Transformer). User-defined function can contain anything including if statements and other structures, provided that it is a valid C# code. Hence, a user-defined function is more than a user-defined formula.

In order to try the following examples yourself you need to download and install Excel add-in for table-valued functions (Finaquant in Excel).

As an example assume you have cost and margin tables as shown below. You want to obtain a new price table with costs, margins and prices, where:
price = costs x (1 + margin)

Cost and Margin Tables

You could obtain price table with table multiplication (see table function named Table Arithmetics) but in this example we will use the row transformer with a user-defined function (UDF).

First, combine cost and margin tables to obtain a table named Combined which includes both key figures costs and margin:

Table Function: Combine Tables

An excerpt from the resultant table named Combined:
Combined Table

Second, insert a new field (key figure) named price into this table. We will calculate the prices in the third step using the row transformer with UDF.

Insert a new field into data table

An excerpt from the resultant table named UpdatedTbl including all the key figures costs, margin and price:
Resultant Data Table

Now that we have all the relevant fields in a table, we can finally calculate prices with the user-defined function:
KF["price"] = KF["costs"] * (1 + KF["margin"]);

User-Defined Row Transformation Function

TA: Text Attribute
NA: Numeric Attribute (of type date or integer)
KF: Key Figure

In the example above, user-defined function is a simple formula:
KF["price"] = KF["costs"] * (1 + KF["margin"]);

As already mentioned, a user-defined function (UDF) can include anything including programming structures like if statements, provided that it is a valid C# code. Following code examples are all valid user-defined functions that apply on rows of PriceTbl:

1) Conditional Price Calculation:
Apply a fixed price margin 25% for the product category Economy:

if (TA["category"] == "Economy")
	KF["price"] = 1.25 * KF["margin"];
	KF["price"] = KF["costs"] * (1 + KF["margin"]);

2) Update category if margin is larger than 30%

if (KF["margin"] > 0.3) TA["category"] = "Luxury";
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